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In this page-turning YA twist to the Dracula story, seventeen-year old Carli is tormented by nightmares after her mother died and her father disappeared. Needing answers, she embarks upon a perilous journey to find her father, bringing her near death, and introducing her to a mysterious world and people…and facing a horrifying threat.
To triumph, she must confront her fears, find her inner strength, and show who she really is.
390 pages
Palmetto Publishing
December 16, 2022
Young Adult
6 x 0.87 x 9 inches
960 L
About the Author
Lizeth and Yvonne Negron are of Hispanic decent. Lizeth is in the medical field, and Yvonne is pursuing a degree in literature. They are both pet lovers who have a variety including a talking African Grey parrot and are both currently residing in Florida.
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